The Canada Chapter gatherings include
- Toronto−Southern Ontario holds informal get togethers and pot lucks every month or two, and bowling the last Friday night of every month. Its 2016 Year-End Celebration will be on 6 November.
Click here for details, and contact Nida Rodrigo Jugo for reservations (
- Ottawa/Montreal will hold adinner in Ottawa in the fall. For details, contact John Rive (
Vancouver: The Vancouver AFE get together on Friday, 9 Decemberat 8 pm at the Grand Villa Buffet. Please bring your Encore cards to get the discount.The Delta is in Burnaby adjacent to Grand Villa Casino (see hyperlnks below):Please let Bruce Murray (( know if you are attending. The AFE subsidy covers paidup AFE members and one guest. Other are welcome to attend but they will not avail of the subsidy.
- Vancouver Island will host a brunch in the fall. For details contact Bruce Murray (