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ADB's staff briefing on ADB's COVID response, 26 March, 3:30-5pm

ADB's staff briefing on ADB's COVID response, 26 March, 3:30-5pm, is summarized below. For a more complete set of notes go to the AFE website, Thanks to ADB for making it possible for AFE ExCom to attend the virtual briefing, despite all the pressures to install and maintain connectivity now as ADB basically works from home.

  • President Masa opened encouraging us to stay healthy, stay home, maintain social distancing, and keep communicating.
  • VP Deborah Stokes noted the Philippines is working to get more test kits and supplies, and ADB is doing all it can to assist.
  • Dr. Patrick Osewe noted ADB has committed $6.5 billion to fight COVID-19, including support for developing and distributing meds and equipment.
  • Dr. Asadang gave COVID stats.
  • Dr. Edwin Banson noted a continued rise in cases in the Philippines is expected. Test kits are here but medical staff need training in how to use them. PPEs are in short supply.
  • OAS PD Lakshmi Menon noted HQ shut, no banking services. CTL is functioning for payroll (and we can assume, pensions).
  • DG Yasuo Takamura and Suzanne Pederson noted COVID testing is 100% covered under the insurance, and stressed the need for staff to support each other.
  • Q&A were mostly pertinent to staff.
  • Closing advice from Andrew Clinton, moderator of the briefing: stay calm; stay home; monitor your health; make appropriate preparations; maintain a schedule, stay in touch, reach out virtually; stay informed; stay calm. The vast majority of us are going to come through this just fine.